Jemal Beker, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia to Turkmenistan with residence in Islamabad, visited the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Turkmenistan and held a very engaging and substantive discussion with its senior leadership.
Mergen Gurdov, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Turkmenistan, welcomed the Ambassador to the Chamber and opened the discussion while sharing about the keen interest of the business community of Turkmenistan to explore business, trade and investment opportunities offered by Ethiopia.
Both sides discussed the matters of mutual interest including needful initiatives to enhance the bilateral trade by establishing institutional linkages between the two sisterly countries.
The Chairman said the business community of Turkmenistan is looking forward to participating in international expos and exhibitions being organized in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia.
He lauded the brilliant economic progress achieved by Ethiopia under the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali.
The Ambassador said the Government and people of Ethiopia are looking forward to warmly welcome their brothers and sisters from Turkmenistan in the FDR Ethiopia which is a land of origins, symbol of pan-Africanism and fastest growing economy in the world.
He briefed the delegation of the Chamber about the Home Grown Economic Reforms carried out by the FDR Ethiopia in two phases to address macroeconomic imbalances, increase productivity, attract foreign direct investment and create job opportunities for the people of Ethiopia.
As a result of reforms, he said, the five major economic sectors including agriculture and agro processing, manufacturing, mining, tourism and ICT generate massive business, trade and investment opportunities.
He said Ethiopia is among the largest producers of coffee which could be exported to Turkmenistan. Ethiopia also produces soybean, sesame seeds, spices and other various products.
Likewise, Turkmenistan is a huge market of textile, fertilizer, machinery, chemicals and construction material, he added.
On concluding note, both sides affirmed their commitment to strengthen the bilateral economic ties of Ethiopia and Turkmenistan.
Source: FBC